Fresno, Ca Wheelchair Van Rental Locations
Mobility Works maintains a fleet of wheelchair accessible rental vans at most of its locations, many offering Weekend Special rates. A wheelchair van rental can be made for just a day or for weeks at a time. Our rentals vans are typically lowered floor minivans with automatic fold-out ramps. Some MobilityWorks locations may also have full-size Ford E-150 handicap accessible vans with a wheelchair lift, subject to availability. Located in the heart of California, Fresno County has an unmatched diversity of natural beauty and recreational opportunities, not to mention its proximity to three national parks, national forests and wilderness areas. In addition to country farm trails featuring the bountiful harvest of the nation’s #1 agricultural county, majestic lakes and rivers, and awe-inspiring foothills and mountain ranges, Fresno County offers a wide variety of unique entertainment opportunities in the Fresno metropolitan area, featuring California’s sixth largest city. From the cultural diversity displayed in area museums, restaurants and festivals, to the recreation opportunities in the region’s many lakes, rivers, foothills and mountains – Fresno County has it all!
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